mired it so much!


I replied, "There's no need to pardon yourself, I'm happy to talk to you.


We introduced ourselves and she asked me to come over to her booth where her girl friend, Sally and her boy friend were, which I did. Introductions followed and she told her was the girl she'd told her about seeing in the leopard-skinned outfit. Sally said she was very please to meet me and talk after hearing about the outfit, so we launched into a lot of girl talk about clothes etc.

girl friend that I

Finally Sally's boy friend said, "Hey, lets talk about something else--fishing, boxing or something."

Sally replied, "Oh hush", and looking at me she said, "He just doesnt understand us gals, does he, Alice?"

After a bit I said I must be going and Sally's boy friend offered to take me home (with Sally of course) to which I agreed. Sally gave me her address and asked me when I could drop over and show her the leopard outfit. I told her the next night, S0 we made a date for just us two girls.

The next night I got all fixed up again and called a cab to take me over to Sally's house. On the way he too commented on the outfit. When we arrived he asked if he could turn on the dome light so he could get a better look at me. I agreed and he did and more nice complimente fol- lowed. Just för the fun of it I said, "I have on leopard lingerie too, but you men wouldn't be interested in that and besides I'm a lady." He laughed.

Sally took me out to dinner at a nice club where the outfit again attracted attention. Sally herself was dres- sed in a powder blue suit with matching accessories, so we really took the eyes with several men trying to horn in But we said it was just a two-girl date. Period.

All too soon my two weeks were up and very regretfully I packed up my 'beautiful clothes and donned the awful male clothes for another six months, but with beautiful memor- ies of the best time I ever had. Alice--Alaska